Safety Briefing Drivers


As part of the group, you are assigned to you will oversee the safety and security of the cyclists during the ride.  Each group will have, at least, two team leaders cycling who will be wearing an orange leaders top.  The lead driver and shadow driver will work together with the team leaders to ensure that all riders are safe and know of any hazards.

  • Lead Driver to warn the group leaders, via the handheld radio, of any potential hazards, i.e. road works, potholes, slow moving traffic….
  • Tail Driver to give a good sharp toot of your horn when a vehicle is about to pass you and the group.
  • Please keep your vehicle as far left as safely possible and a safe distance from the riders in front of you so that you give them some protection from other road users.
  • Please keep an eye on the road behind you, it may be necessary to let the leaders know by radio if there is a queue of traffic behind you and potentially find a safe place to pull off the road. 
  • Please be aware of any right-hand turns on the ride route. The leaders will give you a call on the radio saying the group will be turning right and asking if the road is clear behind you.
  • The safety vest issued to you must be worn at all times during the day.
  • The drivers are required to attend driver briefings by the vehicle & ride coordinators at the end of each day.

  • Everybody Stay Safe and Have Fun!


More information regarding the ride, driver/rider safety, driver requirements etc. will be given to each driver at the drivers meeting prior to the ride. 

ALL drivers for the event MUST attend the drivers meeting.